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1Stock Venture Capital Fund

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Who we are1Stock VC Fund I is a series of 1Stock, LLC, managed by 1Stock, in partnership with the Silicon Valley Syndicate Fund. 1Stock, LLC is registered as an Exempt Reporting Advisor by the U.S. SEC and FINRA.
Value addWe offer Business Development Services which extend initiatives across different departments of our portfolio companies, like; financial management, project management, product development, vendor management, et al, and help enhance the general performance of their businesses and their ability to compete at a regional level. 
Firm typeVC
Global HQ

1Stock Residences, Block 1, Top Floor, Kampala, Uganda

Branch office #1
Branch office #2
Branch office #3
Branch office #4
Branch office #5


Funding requirementsWe invest in internet, software, consumer, enterprise IT, life sciences, cyber security, fintech and AI.

We are a client - service institution and we align our interests with our fund's objective.

Our fund's objective is to provide long - term capital appreciation for our investors. In pursuing this objective, we seek to provide our investors with a diverse selection of high - quality, efficiently managed tech companies within managed risk controlled models.
Under normal market conditions, we intend to invest the majority of the fund's capital into private tech companies, with remarkable scale and ascendant market share, which are sourced through fundamental financial analysis, data mining, pattern recognition and proprietary financial models. We then look for forward - looking stimulus that we believe will hasten earnings and/ or enhance the company's assets. Forward - looking stimulus may include but are not limited to; new, improved, or unique products or services; new or rapidly expanding markets for the company's products; new management; changes in the economic, financial, political, or regulatory environment affecting the company; or a business strategy not recognised by the market or competitors.

Past investments; https://angel.co/s/nixon-kitimoi/sfUJN

We also consider Environmental, Social and Governance factors, alongside other relevant factors, as part of our investment process as we aim to merge societal and financial value.
Funding stages3. Early Revenue4. Scaling5. Growth6. Pre-IPO
Check size$300k to $2M
Target countries Kenya Nigeria Rwanda South Africa Uganda


Dr. Nixon Kitimoi (ACCA, FICFA)
Considered a generalist, open to reviewing opportunities across a broad range of industries.


How to get in touch Email address
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Do you fit this investor's criteria ?

We invest in internet, software, consumer, enterprise IT, life sciences, cyber security, fintech and AI. We are a client - service institution and we align our interests with our fund's objective. Our fund's objective is to provide long - term capital appreciation for our investors. In pursuing this objective, we seek to provide our investors with a diverse selection of high - quality, efficiently managed tech companies within managed risk controlled models. Under normal market conditions, we intend to invest the majority of the fund's capital into private tech companies, with remarkable scale and ascendant market share, which are sourced through fundamental financial analysis, data mining, pattern recognition and proprietary financial models. We then look for forward - looking stimulus that we believe will hasten earnings and/ or enhance the company's assets. Forward - looking stimulus may include but are not limited to; new, improved, or unique products or services; new or rapidly expanding markets for the company's products; new management; changes in the economic, financial, political, or regulatory environment affecting the company; or a business strategy not recognised by the market or competitors. Past investments; https://angel.co/s/nixon-kitimoi/sfUJN We also consider Environmental, Social and Governance factors, alongside other relevant factors, as part of our investment process as we aim to merge societal and financial value.

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Default EmailThe fund's default email for cold outreach

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