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Fiddlehead Ventures

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Who we areSeed capital for the unusual. We're not afraid of things that are different.
We are an early-stage deep tech VC firm specializing in biotech and climate tech, with investments in the broader healthcare and life sciences segments including diagnostics and drug development. We invest internationally at the pre-seed and seed stage.
Value addWe want to be an early believer, a first investor, and write the first cheque. We're sector agnostic. We know hardware is hard, and software is not always a soft and cushy ride. Companies building a product in a sector that has lacked innovation during the past 20 years or more interests us. Mostly, we like entrepreneurs who are believers in the possible and impossible.
Firm typeVC
Global HQ

Toronto, Canada

Branch office #1
Branch office #2
Branch office #3
Branch office #4
Branch office #5


Funding requirementsWe invest in Biotech, life sciences, climate tech, health tech, and industrial tech.

Fiddlehead Ventures follows two distinct investment theses - Forward Thinging, and Deadpool. The Forward Thinging approach focuses on investing in things, before they become "a thing". With Deadpool, we identify undervalued failing and struggling tech companies where significant resources have already been invested, and real assets and value exist.

Fiddlehead Ventures seeks to identify what's new, exciting, and with plenty of potential for growth before it's in the mainstream. That means beating the bushes, and imagining the business landscape 10 years out. In particular, we keep our eyes open for niches often overlooked, simply because they don't show up on the radar and are often considered boring, unappealing, and not part of the latest wave. Fortunately, these often make the most profitable investments.
Funding stages2. Prototype3. Early Revenue
Check size$50k to $1M
Target countries Argentina Australia Brazil Canada Austria Chile Finland France Germany India Ireland Israel Italy Japan Mexico New Zealand USA Uruguay UK Spain Singapore Poland Portugal


Darryl Kirsh
I invest in things that are different


How to get in touch Email address
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We invest in Biotech, life sciences, climate tech, health tech, and industrial tech. Fiddlehead Ventures follows two distinct investment theses - Forward Thinging, and Deadpool. The Forward Thinging approach focuses on investing in things, before they become "a thing". With Deadpool, we identify undervalued failing and struggling tech companies where significant resources have already been invested, and real assets and value exist. Fiddlehead Ventures seeks to identify what's new, exciting, and with plenty of potential for growth before it's in the mainstream. That means beating the bushes, and imagining the business landscape 10 years out. In particular, we keep our eyes open for niches often overlooked, simply because they don't show up on the radar and are often considered boring, unappealing, and not part of the latest wave. Fortunately, these often make the most profitable investments.

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Default EmailThe fund's default email for cold outreach

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