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Who we areN/A
Value addN/A
Firm typeVC
Global HQ

Professor Atilio Innocenti, 165 - Vila Nova Conceição, Sao Paulo - SP, 04538-000, Brazil

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Branch office #5


Funding requirementsWe invest in the best early-stage Latam SaaS companies.

We are looking for companies that have their MVP/product live and are already generating some revenue from unaffiliated customers.
These startups are typically raising their first investment checks and aim to validate their product-market fit before entering a scale-up phase.

SaaSholic is managed by SaaS operators, not analysts from the financial market or wealthy but inexperienced individual angels. We’ve been there and we know what it takes for a SaaS business to be successful.

We typically help our portfolio startups with go-to-market, marketing strategy, creating and scaling their salesforce, choosing the right tech infrastructure, company culture, leadership principles, and Delaware/Cayman incorporation.

(We’re not referring to the Silicon Valley cliché tips everyone reads in books and articles. We’re talking about real-life things that we’ve been through or have seen working in the LatAm market peculiarities.)


Diego Gomes is also a co-founder @Rock Content. In his spare time, he coauthors the SaaSWorld Research and is always looking to support/invest in promising SaaS early-stage startups. Diego is also the creator of, a platform to track angels and VC deals in LatAm. He is also an Endeavor entrepreneur and mentor.

Gustavo Souza is a Managing Partner at SaaSholic, an early stage micro-VC focused on LATAM SaaS. Experienced in sales and managing enterprise-focused SaaS products. Gustavo is a lawyer by formation but has found in sales+marketing his areas of true interest and excellence.

William Cordeiro is a Venture Capitalist based in Brazil. Over the last 5 years, he built GVAngels, one of the most active angel networks in the country where he lead close to 50 deals and have had deployed over U$15M. He's currently a managing partner at SaaSholic, a leading Micro VC focused on SaaS companies in LatAm.
Funding stages1. Idea or Patent2. Prototype3. Early Revenue4. Scaling
Check size$100k to $500k
Target countries Brazil Colombia Mexico Paraguay Uruguay Argentina Chile Venezuela USA Peru Panama



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Do you fit this investor's criteria ?

We invest in the best early-stage Latam SaaS companies. We are looking for companies that have their MVP/product live and are already generating some revenue from unaffiliated customers. These startups are typically raising their first investment checks and aim to validate their product-market fit before entering a scale-up phase. SaaSholic is managed by SaaS operators, not analysts from the financial market or wealthy but inexperienced individual angels. We’ve been there and we know what it takes for a SaaS business to be successful. We typically help our portfolio startups with go-to-market, marketing strategy, creating and scaling their salesforce, choosing the right tech infrastructure, company culture, leadership principles, and Delaware/Cayman incorporation. (We’re not referring to the Silicon Valley cliché tips everyone reads in books and articles. We’re talking about real-life things that we’ve been through or have seen working in the LatAm market peculiarities.) Partners: Diego Gomes is also a co-founder @Rock Content. In his spare time, he coauthors the SaaSWorld Research and is always looking to support/invest in promising SaaS early-stage startups. Diego is also the creator of, a platform to track angels and VC deals in LatAm. He is also an Endeavor entrepreneur and mentor. Gustavo Souza is a Managing Partner at SaaSholic, an early stage micro-VC focused on LATAM SaaS. Experienced in sales and managing enterprise-focused SaaS products. Gustavo is a lawyer by formation but has found in sales+marketing his areas of true interest and excellence. William Cordeiro is a Venture Capitalist based in Brazil. Over the last 5 years, he built GVAngels, one of the most active angel networks in the country where he lead close to 50 deals and have had deployed over U$15M. He's currently a managing partner at SaaSholic, a leading Micro VC focused on SaaS companies in LatAm.

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