The Hague Tech Logo

The Hague Tech

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Who we areWe are a technology community in the heart of The Hague region, where creative talent, businesses, government, and research institutions work together. Our aim is to fire up your tech ideas that will change society.

The Hague Tech is a local ecosystem with a global mind and international ambitions. Local talent groups and international partnerships lead to the development of new opportunities, which supports The Hague Tech members in their goals for international business.
Value addWe offer flex-desks, offices, events and workshop spaces, in combination with R&D and a vibrant online and physical community. A place where 'hipsters, hackers & hustlers'​ gather to bring innovation to life. Our co-working space is an inspiring ecosystem, a shared space where you have the tools to work at your own pace. We offer great coffee, office facilities, and an inspiring community to help you in every step of your business. Whether you're looking for inspiring meeting rooms, a space to organize a workshop or an event, an office or a desk, The Hague Tech is here to kickstart your business and get your creativity flowing!

Joining as a member includes access to our events and innovation labs. We co-create workshops, Meetups, and events with our partners and you! Our spaces are your playground for knowledge exchange and collaboration. Attend one of the many events offered each month and see for yourself while grabbing a beer with the newest member of your growing network. After all, the best ideas are said to be written on a beer coaster!
Firm typeIncubator, Accelerator
Global HQN/A
Branch office #1
Branch office #2
Branch office #3
Branch office #4
Branch office #5
Application periodicityN/A
Next deadline to applyN/A


Funding requirementsN/A
Funding stagesN/A
Check sizeN/A
Target countriesN/A
Typical termsN/A


How to get in touch
Default email or URL to receive deal flow
Intros preferred

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You need to be logged in as a founder to submit your deck to investors.
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Please follow the guidelines for email subject and avoid terms like "pitch", "deck", "intro" or "opportunity".

Please remove quotation marks from the start and/or the end of the email subject.

Please do not use too much CAPS

You need to be logged in as a founder to use AI enhancement.

Start your email with a personal greeting eg. "Hi John," or "Hello XXX Team,".

Don't share a read-only Google Slides, it may be poorly perceived by some investors. Instead, host a PDF on DocSend or Google Drive and share that link.

Make sure to include numbers (growth, revenue, etc.) in your email to capture attention.

Write shorter paragraphs to improve readibility. You can also use bulletpoints if you need to list down information.

Your pitch deck

Upload your deck (pdf only, 10Mb max). Send investors a unique link. Track when you deck is viewed and get investor feedback.

You need to sign up to upload your deck to OpenVC.
Create an account, it's 100% free !

Please provide a direct link to the pitch deck - not to a folder

Don't share a read-only Google Slides, it may be poorly perceived by some investors. Instead, host a PDF on DocSend or Google Drive and share that link.

Your link doesn't work. We recommend hosting your pitch deck as a PDF on Google Drive, Dropbox, DocSend, etc.

You need to be logged in as a founder to submit your deck to investors.
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