Technical issues

Technical issues

We are having technical issues. Please hang tight while we fix out teeny-tint problems.

Posted by Lucas Roquilly | January 6, 2023
The OpenVC Best Of 2022

The OpenVC Best Of 2022

2022 was a transformational year. Not only for our platform but for venture capital and startups in general. This is precisely why we are looking back on our top posts, roasts, and more.

Posted by Shaun Gold | December 29, 2022
OpenVC Guide: The Miami Venture Ecosystem

OpenVC Guide: The Miami Venture Ecosystem

When you think of startup cities and even startups in general, Miami rarely made the cut. This changed with the pandemic, with many founders and funds coming to Miami and South Florida for the lax pandemic rules, tax benefits, and of course, sunshine.

Posted by Shaun Gold | December 19, 2022
How I launched Erez Capital and what other EMs can learn from it.

How I launched Erez Capital and what other EMs can learn from it.

In this post, I'd like to share the initial inspiration for Erez Capital, which finds its root in the Israeli ecosystem, but also the tools, principles, and processes that helped us as we launched our first fund.

Posted by Michael Benezra | December 12, 2022
Venture Capitalists: Open the gates and let the crowds in

Venture Capitalists: Open the gates and let the crowds in

What if any individual could invest alongside a VC firm in the sexy startups they select and with the same conditions? In this post, I would like to propose the idea of an STO platform owned and managed by a VC firm.

Posted by Ari Massoudi | December 5, 2022
OpenVC Guide: The London Venture Ecosystem

OpenVC Guide: The London Venture Ecosystem

London is one of the most popular cities in the world for entrepreneurs and investors. It is ranked fourth in the world for global venture funding. London also is number one in Europe for funding. Here is everything you need to know about London.

Posted by Shaun Gold | November 21, 2022
Vauban's cofounders Rémy and Ulric lift the veil on their acquisition by Carta

Vauban's cofounders Rémy and Ulric lift the veil on their acquisition by Carta

After a meteoric success in recent years, Vauban has just been acquired by Carta, the American heavyweight of the sector. An exceptional exit for the two friends from the South of France, who agreed to be interviewed by OpenVC for 1 hour.

Posted by Stéphane Nasser | November 13, 2022
The Rising Unaffordability of Stock Options

The Rising Unaffordability of Stock Options

In 2020, $4.9 billion of pre-IPO employee stock options went unexercised. This was largely due to the high costs associated with exercising options. Let's look at the causes and solutions of this growing issue.

Posted by Luke Versweyveld | November 7, 2022
How Project 10K helps founders launch their tech startups

How Project 10K helps founders launch their tech startups

Project 10K plans to "build, scale, and sell 10,000 B2B and B2C SaaS startups over the next 10 years.". That's a big statement, so I interviewed Project 10K's founder Jared Yellin to find out more.

Posted by Stéphane Nasser | November 1, 2022