About OpenVC >
- New feature for premium founders: Warm intro paths. Plug in your email, OpenVC scans your network and finds who can make an intro to your dream investor. “Find intros” replaces the old “Intros preferred” button
- Affiliate invite links: Startups created using an affiliate invite link now have the corresponding discount code applied automatically at checkout
- Pitch deck viewer: Fixed a bug regarding deck views not displaying properly
- AI Email generator: Fixed a bug in “My startup” modal
- AI Email generator: Updated guideline.
- New feature for founders: access the best lenders on /lending
- New feature for founders: you can now skip investors to move them to the end of the search results for your convenience
- Created /investor-lists/* pages (investors lists based on industries and cities)
- Investor search: Added new premium filter “Lead” (Always, Never, Sometimes)
- OpenMap: New version with new UX and UI
- Decks: fixed a bug where deleted decks were still displaying in deck list
- Founders signup: fixed a bug related to keyword selection in startup creation
- Fundraising CRM: fixed “Invalid date” bug
- Removed “Embed search results” feature entirely
- Submit Deck: The old “Enhance email with AI” feature was replaced by a new, better “Generate email with AI” feature in “Submit deck” flow on investors profile pages
- Submit Deck: Added a “Save as template” to save email as default email body template for outreach
- Submit Deck: “[Investor name]” is automatically replaced by the investor’s first name (or “Fund name” + “Team” if the fund’s default email is used) when template is loaded into the email body.
- Submit Deck: The “Please confirm you fit with this investor’s thesis” countdown was replaced by a better “Warning: bad fit” modal comparing the investor’s investment thesis with the user’s startup parameters.
- Submit Deck: The “Smart feedbacks” are now mandatory to be able to submit the deck to an investor
- My startup: AI email generation added to “My startup” page
- Shortlist & CRM: “Bad fit” modal added when adding an investor to shortlist and/or CRM
- Decks: Fixed a bug related to Deck analytics (geolocation)
- Decks: Users can now delete a Deck as long as it is not linked to an investor
- Decks: Fixed a bug related to uploading a deck with a title too long
- Submit deck: Captcha removed
- Submit deck: teams.live.com/meet/ URLs are no longer allowed as "book a meeting" URL
- CRM: Added Submit Deck button inside conversation cards
- CRM: Added information about how to reply to an investor and meetings booked in conversation cards
- CRM: Added "Report an investor" button
- Startup editing: Fixed a bug related to keywords
- Dashboard: Added "Invite your team" in the checklist
- Added feedback form after premium upgrade
- Design fixes and optimizations on landing page, app, and mobile breakpoints
- New page “My Decks” to manage pitch decks : add and preview your decks, track who saw it and when.
- Homepage : design improvements and new content section
- CRM : deck analytics now track opening location, browser, OS information and last slide seen
- CRM : adapted “add investor” flow to new pitch deck management
- CRM : “add investor” flow enhanced for investors already existing on OpenVC
- CRM : conversation modal design enhanced
- Deck viewer : Deck preview now shows investor reply options and warning message
- New page : /delete for users wishing to delete their account
- Dashboard : improved display and added information about investor requests
- Dashboard : changed resources in “learn to raise” section
- Some confusing error messages have been changed
- Various design and performance improvements
- Numerous bug fixes
- New Startup link to invite team members with simplified onboarding
- LinkedIn URL profile is now mandatory when signing up as Solo Angel
- Founders can no longer select Revenue growth options when at stage “1. Idea or Patent” or “2. Prototype”
- Founders are no longer allowed to join stealth startups
- Investors can now see the dealflow of their colleagues
- Oversollicited investors (“Submit later”) are no longer shown on homepage
- Fixed a bug in Angel profiles
- Fixed a bug preventing from editing a portfolio
- Fixed a bug regarding AI-enhanced emails
- Fixed the “Must be logged in as a founder to submit” bug
- Various design fixes, including for dark mode
- Fundraising CRM : Added “Bulk import” experimental feature - you can now import a CSV file into your OpenVC fundraising CRM
- Fundraising CRM : Added “Export” feature - You can now export all your CRM data in CSV and XLS format
- Fundraising CRM : Autocomplete feature now suggests to use an existing OpenVC investor when manually adding a new investor
- Fundraising CRM : Warning and alert messages are now displayed as notifications in the upper right hand corner of the screen
- Fundraising CRM : Investor name (now Contact name) and Investor firm are now editable for manual records
- Fundraising CRM : Added “Approach” field
- The button “Add to shortlist” now always appear on fund profiles when logged in as founder
- Created page /podcast
- Small design/UX changes and bug fixes
- Hubs feature : created unique invitation links
- Hubs feature : Hubs can now decide which links appear in sidebar
- Created page /roadmap
- Created page /unsubscribe
- Added sponsored banners for Intercom
- Homepage : Fixed a bug regarding the settings modal
- CRM : Fixed a bug in conversation modal
- Changed Ebook page
- Many improvements to the fundraising CRM :
- Added fields “Next action”, “Priority”, “Investor email”
- Better detail modal design
- Improved edit mode
- Collapsible lists in pipeline view
- Customizable cards in pipeline view
- Added quick action buttons (“submit deck”) in pipeline view
- Improved “Add investor” modal design
- Fixed numerous bugs
- Added white-label Hubs feature
- New content for founders : the fundraising ebook (/ebook page)
- AI enhance feature now uses GPT-4 instead of GPT-3.5-Turbo
- New data point about investors : Lead (Always/Sometimes/Never)
- Added “Hide contacted investors” and “Hide shortlisted investors” in Search settings
- Added a search box on Shortlist page
- Investor tools are no longer displayed in sidebar for founders
- New providers supported for meeting links : keyzii.com, NextCloud, Convoke.ai, Sprintful.com, Google calendar appointments links, omni.day, calendarhero.to
- Removed “Dashboard” sidebar link for non-loggedin users
- Added a delay before showing again the “Please reply to this founder” modal in the pitch deck viewer
- Fixed a bug allowing users to sign up with the same email address
- Fixed various bugs on dashboard page
- Various design fixes for Dark Theme
- Fixed unwanted redirect to country page when filtering on one country on OpenMap page
- Various UX & design fixes and optimizations
- New feature for founders : fundraising dashboard (became the default page)
- Added “Settings” modal on OpenFlow page, including dark mode switch
- Disabled dark mode by default on OpenFlow page
- Added perks from $750k to $2M
- Fixed a bug regarding autologin
- Small design fixes and optimizations
CRM changes
- Added new Kanban (or Pipeline) view
- Added search bar
- Dates are now displayed in friendly format
- Improved the “add an investor” feature
- Added infobubbles in some table headers
- Fixed a bug creating duplicate entries in the shortlist & CRM
- Various design and UX improvements
- Investors already contacted do not appear in the Shortlist page anymore
- When sidebar is collapsed btn-nozoom, submenus are now hidden when clicking outside it
- Fixed a bug preventing pitch deck upload
- New feature for premium founders : AI Deck reviews
- New feature for premium founders : Ultimate pitch deck template
- New feature for all founders : integrated fundability.app inside OpenVC app
- Added link on OpenFlow to private WhatsApp group for investors
- Updated menu
- Round size is now mandatory at signup
- Announcement bar now stays hidden once closed
- Countdown before being able to submit a deck reduced to 3 seconds (instead of 10)
- Fixed a loophole allowing founders to send more outreach than their daily limit
- Fixed a bug on solo angels profile pictures
- Fixed a bug on CRM dates
- Fixed a bug on invitation links
- Small UX & design fixes and optimizations
- Investors can now decline a deck without specifying a reason (in order to improve reply rate)
- Investors can now decline a deck directly from their email client (in order to improve reply rate)
- Changed annual subscription price to 288$/year
- Search results are now ranked by open rates in descending order (unless a country filter is applied)
- Fixed a loophole allowing users to submit decks even if they reached the daily limit
- Fixed a bug related to dates in CRM caused by wrong timezone configuration (all dates are in UTC now)
- Fixed blank page bug after upgrading to premium
- Small design fixes
- Design overhaul of the homepage, new navigation with sidebar, new logo and color palette
- Numerous UX & UI improvements & optimizations
- New "My shortlist" feature to keep track of investors you want to contact
- New features in built-in CRM : filter by status, keep track of contacts made outside of OpenVC etc.
- Open rates are now displayed when available
- "Stay logged in" feature
- Many bug fixes
- New dark mode
- Some country names have been abbreviated
- Portfolios are now hidden when empty
- Investor names are now abbreviated when too long in search results
- Founder experience : Investors that are already contacted by your startup are now marked “Investor contacted”
- Founder onboarding : New keyword selection when creating a startup : you now can only use suggested keywords
- Founder onboarding : Company website URL are now displayed when selecting an existing company
- Investor profiles : “Value add”, “Who we are” and “Investor type” fields are no longer displayed as “N/A” when empty
- Added Cayman Islands to the list of countries
- Acuity Scheduling links are now accepted as “book a meeting” links
- Updated the “FAQ” link in the footer
- Action buttons are now bigger in the pitch deck viewer on mobile devices
- Various bug fixes and improvements to the user experience
- Small optimizations to “AI enhance” feature
- Users are now notified when they reach the rate limit for displaying investor profiles
- Small changes to error messages
- Removed “Mentoring” page
- Removed “Sent by” field in “Submit deck” view because all deck submitters are now logged in since v1.5.2
- Google Meet links cannot be used any more as a “book a meeting” link
- Various enhancements around the OpenFlow user experience
- Gibraltar and British Virgin Islands have been added as HQ countries
- Introducing AI enhancement feature
- Important change : You can no longer submit decks and reach out to investors if you are not logged in as a founder
- Important change : Daily limit on deck submissions now applied
- You now cannot send more submissions when your first one is under review
- Collaborative fundraising CRM : all startup members can now access all their startup’s submissions
- Added “Sender” column in fundraising CRM
- You can now see what perks are available for premium users without being logged in as one
- OpenFlow : enhanced responsive behaviour, added FAQ and various improvements
- You can now use “Reclaim.ai” as a meeting link provider to request a meeting to an investor
- Added text descriptions to country pages (mainly for SEO purposes)
- Added link to pitchdeckexperts.app in menu
- “Round size” filter design fixed on mobile devices
- OpenDeck : various improvements
- Lots of updates and fixes in OpenFlow
- OpenFlow is now the default page investors are redirected to when logging in
- New main feature for investors : OpenFlow
- New main feature for founders : Fundability (see fundability.app)
- Added /webinars page
- Fixed mobile display for signup form
- Fixed a bug around countdowns before submitting a deck
- Changed banners to promote OpenVC premium
- Changed links in main menu for logged in users
- Changed some content in our Legal page
- Fixed various bugs & design
- Added a new free filter : Round size - this field was added as mandatory in founder signup and was added in My Startup page
- Check size (min/max) filter became a premium filter
- A message by the investor is now required when he’s interested in a pitch deck that has no meeting link
- Meeting links are now restricted to some providers
- Added new testimonials to homepage
- “Submit deck” feature was removed for logged in investors : you now need a founder account to contact investors
- Small menu changes for investors
- Updated the Upgrade page for investors
- Updated the Pricing page
- Fixed a bug related to HQ selection in founder signup flow
- Founders now cannot go to next step in signup flow if all requirements are not met
- Fixed a bug that prevented investors from saving some changes on their profile
- Thumbnails, titles and descriptions added for some pages
- Small design fix in OpenMap
- Added testimonials & features block to home page
- Added fundability questions (exited founders, funding secured, revenue growth) to founder signup flow and “My startup” page
- Added “Your recipient” block in last step of “Submit deck” flow
- Added follow up tracking in fundraising CRM
- Added guidelines in founder signup flow
- FAQ revamp
- Various design and responsive fixes
- Fixed a bug preventing investors from saving changes on their firm profile
- Added a pricing page at /pricing
- Search requests with only one country as a filter are now redirected to country pages
- Released new premium features
- Added advanced filters (premium feature)
- Added Masterclass page (premium feature)
- Added founder CRM tutorial video
- Added anti-ghosting feature
- Added anti-spam feature (“Submit later”)
- Added help modal “How to search on OpenVC”
- Optimization of the search engine : loading time is reduced on all search pages
- Various fixes in dark mode
- Various fixes in founder CRM
- Added links to full “How to raise funds with OpenVC” guide
- Modal added when investor is about to leave the page in pitch deck viewer
- Investors, startups and users profile pictures are now stored on our server (previously, Airtable attachments URLs were used)
- Added smaller cheque sizes in cheque filters
- Force meeting link to start with https
- Founder CRM : add status "To be contacted" for manual records
- Founder CRM : order and visibility of columns are saved
- Alert message when clicking outside the submit deck modal to prevent accidental closing
- Fixed style of scrollbars & tooltips
- New feature: instant smart feedbacks on cold emails!
- New feature: embed a custom investor list on any web page!
- Average page load time was reduced by 40%!
- Added new keywords to the main search bar autosuggestion, ordering was also improved
- A "Submit deck" button now displays on all individual investor user profiles (for investors that are not "Intro preferred")
- Main search bar was improved: all themes & keywords suggestions now appear when clicking in the bar; you can now navigate and select suggestions with keyboard; Firms now display after Themes
- Changed the way social links are edited in firm profile edit mode
- Users can not sign up for individual accounts with emails that start with info, contact, or hello
- Fixed a bug that prevented individual investor accounts to be contacted through their fund's profile
- Confirmation message after editing an individual account displays more clearly
- "Investor type" renamed as "Firm type" in funds profiles
- Fixed display of mobile menu width
- Changed icon for RBF players from "dollar" to "thumbs up"
- Added Taiwan as a country in "HQ Country" filter
- Email subject line max character count increased from 50 to 54
- Email body max character count decreased from 2000 to 1400
- Small fix in character counts in User Account edit view and Submit Deck view
- Small text fix in "Submit deck" view
- Rephrased message in "My deal flow" page
- Fixed display of "Changes saved" view in firm profile edit mode
- Fixed display of "Email sent" message in "Submit deck" view
- Added information about deal flow screening in "Submit deck" view
- Added Revenue-Based investors for non-dilutive funding;
- Added page "My dealflow" at /my-dealflow. This page enables an investor user to see all the messages sent to him as a user through OpenVC, even those that did not pass our pre-screening filters and were not sent to the user by email.
- Updated some fields' names (e.g. "Countries of investment" became "Target countries"; "Investment thesis" became "Funding requirement" etc.);
- Added a clearer exit path after editing an investor profile or after submitting a pitch deck to an investor;
- Reduced body max length from 2000 to 1400 characters for pitch deck submit emails;
- Enhanced the display of the user profile editing buttons;
- Moved "legal" modal to a "legal" new page for performance & SEO purposes.
- Fixed a bug that would make non-verified funds appear before verified funds;
- Line breaks in fields "Funding requirements", "Who we are" and "Value Add" are now displayed correctly;
- Fixed an alignment bug in dark theme on investor profiles;
- Changed message after successful message sent;
- Fixed the display of character counts in "submit deck view";
- Enhanced main table headers display in mobile view;
- Renamed "fund" into "firm" in user dropdown.
- Search algorithm was enhanced when a country filter is enabled:
- Investors whose global HQ is located in that country will appear on top.
- Investors are then sorted by number of countries of investment so investors investing in a lot of countries appear after those investing in a few countries.
- Deck submitting feature was enhanced, new information is displayed in the submit form:
- Added better explanations about what is expected in the various fields (subject, body, pitch deck etc.).
- Added a message about our quality filter and a link to our guidelines.
- Better portfolio display on fund profiles.
- Fixed pagination bug (duplicate buttons).
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