Blog > VC 101

How Flashpoint automates their VC stack

How Flashpoint automates their VC stack

We were allowed to snoop into the cool productivity hacks Flashpoint VC uses to automate mundane tasks. From data enrichment to CRM, dive into their VC stack.

Posted by Silvan Cloud Rath | July 17, 2024
Patents as a strategic tool for early-stage investments

Patents as a strategic tool for early-stage investments

A crucial part of tech investing, sometimes not given enough attention, is the role of patents. Patents protecting a startup’s unique ideas and products, while showing investors how innovative and strong a startup could be in the market.

Posted by Nick Sgobba | May 20, 2024
Why video games are the perfect VC category

Why video games are the perfect VC category

As a gaming founder who spoke with 50+ VCs, I wanted to share my findings on why games are a stellar VC category, and why you should consider it in your fund or angel portfolio.

Posted by Pavel Afanasiev | February 6, 2024
How to value your startup

How to value your startup

This guide will answer your questions about startup valuation. Learn how to determine a valuation that makes sense for you and your future investors, including a step-by-step method and 16 valuation benchmarks.

Posted by Stéphane Nasser | November 7, 2023
The OpenVC Best Of 2022

The OpenVC Best Of 2022

2022 was a transformational year. Not only for our platform but for venture capital and startups in general. This is precisely why we are looking back on our top posts, roasts, and more.

Posted by Shaun Gold | December 29, 2022
Unicorn Startup 101

Unicorn Startup 101

The unicorn. A mythical creature that has become a behemoth in the world of startup and venture. This article breaks down the definition of a unicorn startup, the top unicorns by valuation and country, and the new definitions of unicorns that have emerged.

Posted by Shaun Gold | October 18, 2022
16 research papers every VC should know

16 research papers every VC should know

We have compiled and summarized 16 research papers every VC should know. Because being an investor shouldn't be just about Twitter and pitch decks, here's some actual science for VC investors.

Posted by Shaun Gold | October 10, 2022
Why Seed Funding Is a Pool Party

Why Seed Funding Is a Pool Party

You might think you’re fundraising, but what you’re actually doing is throwing a pool party. Venture funding dynamics in the Seed Phase have evolved differently than venture capital at Series A and beyond. A Seed fund would almost never take the whole round, even if it could.

Posted by Rich Maloy | October 3, 2022
Pre-seed round explained

Pre-seed round explained

The pre-seed stage is also referred to as the Angel round stage. But what does pre-seed mean? Who invests in pre-seed rounds and at what valuations? How do you raise a successful pre-seed round? This is exactly what this post is going to discuss.

Posted by Shaun Gold | October 2, 2022